Tuesday, July 6, 2010


*Small Loves:

-Amaretto Coffee Creamer

-A husband who wakes up 10 minutes earlier so he can get dressed and then come back to bed to cuddle and talk to me without interruption.

-A good sing a long song. Bonus points if it's about beer or farmer's daughters. Cows milk more when you sing to them. At least I think so.

-Being caught up on laundry for once.

-Sateen sheets. Not quite wrinkly cotton. Not too slippery satin. Just right. Especially when clean.

-Twin neice and nephew who at almost 2 know the joy in licking mixer beaters.

-Ranger rides. Call me Ken Schrader. My country block is a NASCAR track come 8pm. At least when it's my turn to drive. When it's The Husband's, we're on a crop tour Sunday driver style.

*Small Dislikes:

-So much for sale priced coffee beans. Tar in a cup to greet me every morning. One more week and they should be gone.

-My healthy, ambitious, amazing, looks half her age mother-in-law needs 12 weeks of chemo. She'll come through just fine, no doubt, but it's hard to watch in the meantime.

-Our ceiling vents came with no screws. We improvised by using black screws. It's obvious. Must find paint.

-Tuna fish. Can't get past the smell.

-Mayo, Miracle Whip or anything of the sort. It's a texture thing.

-Tuna salad. (Refer to previous if necessary).

-Nice beautiful, sunny 80 degree days ruined by 90% humidity. Refer to Midwest in July.

What little things bring a smile to your face? I'm off to find smiles in my barn. Enjoy your day!

List Form!

*I love the outlet blogging/journaling/writing provides for me. Stress relief internet style. No scribble outs or hoping the husband doesn't see the rant list I made of his annoying habits. He may find my journal in my not so secret drawer. He may leave his hair from shaving all over the counter. He doesn't "do" the internet though.(I kid. I kid. If I was making a list of his bad habits, I'd be sure to ask him what they are first! Don't want to forget any.)

*It's been awhile since I've updated and I miss it immensely.

*I usually love to write lengthy entries about living life, but I've been living life lately.

*As of today this blog is taking a new format. I will update once a week. Maybe twice. No stress. No pressure.

*I will be writing in list format about various topics, thoughts and life observations. I'm silly and lighthearted. I'm also passionate and serious. Sometimes I manage the biggest crises better than the smallest issue. All in a day's work for me. There's a great deal I love and a great deal I need to learn to love or at the very least understand about life. We'll see what develops.

*I've intentionally deleted most of my old posts so we can start over completely fresh.

*Thanks for hanging in there with me on my long hiatus.